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Feature Slide Projector Set
Main dimmer panel is permanently attached to carrier. Has three 500W dimmers with burst-buttons and on right side of panel, controls for color wheels with On switches, Momentary-On and Momentary-Off buttons plus unused control for 12V high-speed lobster motor.
Carrier can use either Argus 500W or Carousel 500W slide projectors.
Seen to left is older 24V motor speed controller used to control a 2nd lobster motor, Steve's favorite.
Lobsters are standard corrugated cardboard and the color wheels are clear-taped wedges on swing-away mounts.

Feature Slide Imagery
Slides come in 4 slide sets to combine as animated movements, all abstract. Litho film to take high temps. Usually hand-loaded as needed. Steve favored Argus projectors, brighter and hand-loaded better, and could use trays if desired.

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Note: Equipment was set up for demonstration to a rave buyer, but we decided not to sell. Shot 35mm in 1989.
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