
Welcome to the new
NKP Layout Services website.

I apologize... Stan Sweatt's NKP Layout Services
no longer fabricates layouts in our own shop. Fabrication can be done in co-operation with Lloyd's Layouts shop in So. Cal, contact me.
This original site content may not reflect this, but can be helpful regardless. Design services are still available. Buildings can be built also.

Who Are We?
NKP specializes in designing and building adult craftsman-level model railroads in HO, O and N scale. NKP is based in Southern California. For more in-depth information see "About NKP".
Who Are You?
Hopefully a man who wants to be the railroad baron of his own empire. Perhaps you're somewhat well-seasoned in your RR interests, but not always. Sometimes a lifetime of arm-chair modeling is finally ready to culminate in a model railroad. Other times, circumstances have just become right for that new layout. Maybe motive power, rolling stock and structures have been lovingly accumulated, maybe you're starting from scratch. Almost always, you want a railroad, have the space and more money than time available.
What Can NKP Do For You?
We can do all or part! A quality railroad can be quite an undertaking. I have built cars and a house from the ground up and I can safely say a quality model railroad can be just as complex if not more. Together we can determine how much of your project you can or want us to handle and what we can do for you. We can meet your goals for budget and satisfaction.

Closeup of an fenced trackage in a cramped industrial area with room to build. |
Sweeping curves with curved turnouts lead into key junction. |
Curves leading out of one room into another, medium finished. |
Key yard nestled next to tall industrial buildings creates a real urban flavor. |