Art Garfunkel

I have a 5-piece backup band that it influenced by Jazz. We do period music utilizing several costumes.

After taking music in high school, learning several instruments, I began singing. I then enroll into the music program at CSULB where I really took a liking to singing. The teacher, being a musician himself, put together the rest of the fellas and wanted me to sing. We started practicing until we booked a few small bars, then a few years ago an agent was in the crowd. After the set he said he liked our sound and style and he¹d like to sign us to a contract. We went on tour, warming up the crowds for the headliners, until we started selling our own records. Now, we headline tours all over the world.

Sound Clip...
15 sec: My No. 1 Song to You

Sound Clip...
30 sec: The Second Song of Mine

Video Clip...
?? sec: The Sorriest Show We Did
(Seen at the Gardens, San Diego, 89')

Play Dates...

16-20: Bobby's Garage, Downey
21-29: Bobby's Front Yard, Downey

21st: Stan's Birthday Party, Huntington Beach

21st: Stan's 2nd Birthday Party, Huntington Beach

06-10: Summer Solstice Celebration at Strawberry Fields, Oregon
20-22: Socrates Prison, San Diego


Band Stats...
Lead Vocal: Art Garfunkel
Lead Guitar: John Doe
Rythm Guitar: Rich Bailey
Bass Guitar: Bill Sweatt
Drummer: Stan Sweatt
Manager: Barbara Sweatt

formed: TK
Booking Info: Roger Rabbit
(714) 846-3004

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